Can't trust American Media? How about world media?
Conservatives have long complained that the American News Media is biased in favor of the liberal left while libertarians contend it's biased in favor of the corporatist state. So where do people go...
View ArticleCan't trust American Media? How about world media?
Conservatives have long complained that the American News Media is biased in favor of the liberal left while libertarians contend it's biased in favor of the corporatist state. So where do people go...
View ArticleReview: Fox Fair and Balanced Debate is Law-lover vs. feelings follower
A staple of Fox News Channel is their "Fair and Balanced Debate" in which, to show how unbiased they are, the network picks a current topic and then sets two talking heads against one another,...
View ArticleNew Hampshire becomes New Hateshire
Yesterday members of the Free State Project sent New Hampshire State Rep. Cynthia Chase a "thank you" card and flowers for the free media coverage generated by her anti-freedom comments because they...
View ArticleWant to pay off the debt and save the environment? Sell it all!
As an alternative to doing a Thelma and Louise over the "fiscal cliff" back on January 1 (Ron Paul claimed we were already airborne before then and just waiting to hit bottom) an organization called...
View ArticleSocial Security and Medicare: Blaming the victims instead of the victimizers
A recent Future of Freedom Foundation article defined Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment compensation this way: "They are socialistic, they foster dependency on the government, they are...
View ArticleGun facts gun controllers don't want to talk about
Here are some facts libertarians and other gun rights advocates want you to know about guns. 1. Gun Appreciation Day is Saturday, January 19, 2013. 2. The 2nd Amendment clearly states why we need...
View Article'Voluntaryist Vixens' video interview invites visitors (Photos)
Today the answer is "Voluntaryist Vixens." The question, asked repeatedly since the beginning of the Modern American Libertarian Movement was answered in a video interview Wednesday by the founder of...
View ArticleSS and Medicare: Not your Grandma's Ponzi schemes any more
An earlier article from the Libertarian News Examiner tried to explain that just when the general public was finally figuring out that Social Security and Medicare are Ponzi schemes they aren't any...
View ArticleNJWeedman gets probation, fine, seeks appeal
Libertarian News Examiner readers familiar with the NJWeedman trials for marijuana possession will be interested to know that Ed "NJWeedman" Forchion was sentenced and fined last week in a Mount...
View ArticleLibertarian News Examiner 'goes to Stanford University'
Can libertarian principles impact the prevailing coercive statist-environmentalist concept of "sustainability" that FEE, the Foundation for Economic Education, calls a scam? A graduate student at...
View ArticleHillary Clinton: 'responsible' but not 'accountable'
In the wake of the Capitol Hill hearings conservatives are still whining that nobody, including Ste. Hillary Clinton, is being held accountable for the deaths of Americans at the hands of terrorists...
View ArticleAn open letter to America's gun controllers
Dear gun controllers of America, Every one of you learned the libertarian non-aggression principle in Kindergarten. What happened to you? In your earliest interactions with playmates you were taught...
View ArticleJerry Velona song: 'Bureau of Whatever' or 'Bureau of WTF?'
Singer-songwriter Jerry Velona is back with another bureaucracy-bashing ballad, The Bureau of Whatever. In 2010 Libertarian News Examiner highlighted his hilarious anti-bureaucracy music video Leave...
View ArticleBlack History Month: Where are all the Black libertarians?
For years people have been asking, "Where are all the female libertarians?" The Libertarian News Examiner has been answering that question since 2008, most recently in 'Voluntaryist vixens' video...
View ArticleGlobal warming scientists cooling it on CO2
Libertarian News Examiner has long argued against human-caused climate disruption nee climate change nee global warming on the basis that the science has been corrupted through politicization. It just...
View ArticleMainstreaming libertarianism
Earlier this month Kathleen Hunker wrote an article for PolicyMic that was headlined "Libertarian Views Will Never Be Mainstream In America, Unfortunately." The "Unfortunately" is apparently a nod to...
View ArticleEric Holder and homeschooling: Channeling the Prussian System?
Attorney General Eric Holder, Ruling Class doyenne and self-appointed whiz-bang expert on the question of Constitutional rights, argues that "a government isn’t violating anyone’s rights if...
View ArticleRaising minimum wage ignores crucial fact
Paul Krugman argues in a New York Times article "Raise the wage" that raising the minimum wage is a good idea because it's good policy, good economics and good politics for President Obama. Krugman...
View ArticleLibertarian collector's item: Voluntaryist comic #1. POW! (Photos)
BAM! ZAP! BANG! Libertarian News Examiner was given an Exclusive Media Preview – WHAM! – of the cover and inside page art for Issue #1 of Boy Wonder Superhero "Voluntaryist," a libertarian-language...
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